Health and safety management and Compliance

– Whether you possess 45001 or 9001 certifications, are you working towards them or are just dedicated to operating with the upmost quality or health and safety management, Bravura inspection offers a range of services to not only help you keep people safe and avoid legal fees, but also to help you remain in compliance.

Bravura Inspection offers on-site spot checks to ensure the health and safety of your employees and contractors as well as legal compliance by identifying areas of risk.

This service can include:

Safety tours – general inspection of the workplace to identify hazards and risks

Safety surveys– general inspections of dangerous activities, processes, or areas to identify hazards and risks

Report – Containing areas of risk to be addressed

Consultation– Help and advice to address the highlighted risks.

ISO 9001:2015 is a globally recognised benchmark for quality management and is an excellent tool to increase the quality of the product/service you offer as well as the quality of your internal operations, with or without accreditation.

Bravura inspection can offer guidance and support with 9001 compliance and your management system.

9001:2015 compliance can boost your business’ success. Although success can look different to everyone, by complying to 9001:2015 Success may look like:

  • A productive workforce
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Improved efficiency
  • Continual improvement

Support and consultation can be virtual, via phone or email but can also be provided on- site to suit your needs.

The level of support and frequency of consultation required can be tailored to suit you.

Complying to ISO 45001, even without certification can be hugely beneficial for the health and safety of your business.

Achieving compliance through a risk-based approach to health and safety can prevent injury and ill-health as well as legal fees.

ISO 45001:2015 provides guidance on a systematic approach to health and safety management to achieve continual improvement.

Compliance can mean:

  • Improved employee safety
  • Greatly reduced risk.
  • Legal compliance
  • Huge cost savings

Support and consultation can be virtual, via phone or email but can also be provided on- site to suit your needs.

The level of support and frequency of consultation required can be tailored to suit you.

Keep your business moving forward

We can work with you during shutdowns to ensure that employees and contractors are operating within the demands of the permit and following your procedures, understood through a simple consultation.

This may mean they are:

As well as health and safety and quality management, it is important that you understand the impact your operations have on the environment to allow remediation of any negative effects. 

Whether it is the whole business or individual operations, Bravura inspection can conduct environmental risk assessment to highlight the impact you have on the environment around you.

Environmental risk assessments are not only required for environmental permit applications but can also help with a positive reputation for your business. 

Bravura inspection offers harness and lanyard inspection on a six-monthly basis, in line with HSE guidelines.

Harness inspections are not just a legal requirement for employers but also essential to ensure worker safety and significantly reduce the risks that arise from working at height.

We can create an inspection program that gives you peace of mind.